Diabetes Complications

More than 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus; however, the total number who have it is more like 11 million residents of the US because about half the people who have it are not diagnosed. Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and this does not include those who die from other dieseases like stroke and heart attack, which are interconnected to the diabetes.  Diabetes is the main cause of of adult blindness in the U.S.,ans significant eye problems can intefere with vision even if there is not a complete blindness. Diabetic Retinopathy is the most prominent eye problem, but diabetics also get disproprtinately high impact for cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye disorders. . Heart attacks are more than twice as likely in individuals with diabetes, while strokes and cerebral events are at least five 5 times as common in patients with chonic diabetes. Kidney failure requiring dialysis is primarily due to the impact of diabetes. Amputations of the foot and leg are a problem for diabetics as the blood and nerve flow to the extremeties makes self care to avoid infections more challenging.   . 

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