Tight Control of Blood Sugars

As the Wisconsin study has shown us tight control of bllod sugar and cholesterol are more critical than we ever imagined, especially when it comes to complicatios like diabetic retinopathy and kidney failure. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial made it crystal clear that the long-term treatment of diabetes must include efforts to keep blood sugar low enough to be at near-normal levels; if this is done it is doable to prevent  or delay kidney, eye, kidney and other complictions if we keep developing methods to maximize control. 

Clinical trial diabetes research continues to plow ahead and show promise, both in developing new treatments and in new understanding of the underlying causes of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We are close to being able to develop stem cell treatments for renewed insulin production. 

UCSF has been one of the intstitutions that has done more than its share of effective clinical trials testing new therapies.  A clinical trial there will be aiming at eventually vacinating  against Type 1 diabetes. That center  has done some interesting stem cell research ias well. The UCSF research program has been around since 1949, when California State Legislature established the Metabolic Research Unit.  Recombinant insulin was one result that stands out, and the future holds even more promise. 

Medications. Soon we will be opening a discussion on current and pending medications. Since this site is new we are trying to do a million things at once but we will be getting to it soon.

Diabetes Help