Diet and Exercize in Diabetes

Ever since the DCCT study showed how important good ight control of blood sugar was, the question of good healthy nutrition and management of cholesterol  through aerobic exercize have moved  from the back burner to the front in diabetes care.

As this site develops we will feature a number of perspectives on what dietary strategies are most helpful. Although we do not have plans to put any specific recipes here, there will be some in the Diabetes Help circular if you sign up to the right.

The Basics

1. You cannot drink enough water.
2. White sugar and flour are posions, move instead to whole grain breads and carbs that are healthy.
3. Exercize at least 4 times per week, and get your heart punpling for a minimum of 20 minutes, if at all possible.
4.  The Atkins diet may be right for some people but the jury is still out, there is no single diet that is right for you, what works is the diet that keeps your blood sugars low and stable, and your good cholestreol as high as possible.

Diabetes Help

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